What is Phlebotomy?

Phlebotomist’s are a large number of medical personals who are found practicing Phlebotomy with in hospitals, health care and other medical centers. These medical health care providers may include nurses, paramedics, physicians, dentists, phlebotomists along with a few else. But the question still remains who are Phlebotomist’s?

Well simply phlebotomist’s are professionals who are linked with drawing or extracting blood from the body of patients. Apart from just drawing or testing samples of blood it’s the job role of phlebotomist to prepare samples of blood for performing analysis. Along with this a phlebotomist also has to perform duties of storing samples and keeping records of blood.

This job role of phlebotomy is a new career in the field of medical science. In times before there were several training coursers for phlebotomists, and these job role of phlebotomy were found being carried out by nurses and doctors.  If nurses and doctors keep on performing these duties of phlebotomist then, these this will shift their focus from all other duties and would hence increase the cost of treatment. This is the reason why the need for phlebotomist’s arose.

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About Anna Howard

An active blogger who loves writing on topics related to Health, Science & Technology, Telecommunication, Water Coolers, Machines, Teeth Whitening, Promotional Products and so much more.

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